Managing Epic learning content requires a different process for uploading to myLearning.
All content that contains any screen shots of the EPIC system must be uploaded to the EPIC Content server before being launched as a learning resource in myLearning. Please follow the steps below as it relates to Epic learning content.
- Determine whether or not your learning content has screen shots of the Epic system.
- Submit a request for EPIC Content Server access by submitting a ticket.
- Once you have access, click on one of these options:
Update Existing Course Content
Manage Epic Resources on the EPIC-Content Server
Please note: These instructions are intended for System Administrators that need to route learning content from the EPIC Content server to the myLearning system.
Create New Epic Resources (adding content)
Step 1. Create the learning resource in myLearning. Under Resources > Maintain Learning Resources > New.
Step 2. Once the new learning resource opens, set the Type of Resource to On-Line Training/CBT.
Step 3. Set the Delivery Method for the learning resource to OnLine.
From here you can continue to configure your learning resource just as you would normally configure any other learning resource based on your desired settings and tabs (e.g. provider, description, objectives, etc).
Step 4. Access the EPIC content server by copy/pasting the following address into the file explorer on your computer. Once pasted, press the "Enter" key on your keyboard to search.
The address should appear allowing the option to select "Open file location". Selecting this option will open the Epic server on your computer.
Once you're in the EPIC content server, click the "New Folder" button.
Name the new folder after the resource ID of the learning resource you just created in Step 1.
For example, the resource ID in the screen capture below is 3494945.
The following screen capture is an example of a folder created on the Epic content server based on the resource ID of the existing learning resource.
Step 5. Place the learning content (a .pdf file, .mp4 video file, or eLearning course files,) in the folder you created on the EPIC content server. Please see the following examples.
PDF file example
Video file example
The preferred video file format for myLearning is .mp4.
eLearning Course example
If you are uploading an eLearning course, the course files must be unzipped in the Epic server folder as depicted in the following screen capture.
Click on one of the following options, depending on the type of content that you're uploading:
Return to the learning resource in myLearning. Click the On-Line tab. When uploading an eLearning course the compatibility mode on the learning resource must be set to match the output of the eLearning course from the authoring tool. The Johns Hopkins preferred output for eLearning courses is Tin Can xAPI. Set the score model to The resource will score itself as complete.
In the Location field, use the address following extension: /89/EPIC/<type resource id here>.
For example: /89/EPIC/2256959
Select the Restrict access to course files to authenticated users checkbox below Location.
Return to the learning resource in myLearning. Click the On-Line tab. If you are uploading a .mp4 video file to the EPIC content server, set the compatibility model to None and the score model to The resource is marked complete upon entry (launch).
In the Location field for the video resource, use the address following extension:
/courses/89/EPIC/<type resource id here>/<type the title and file extension here>.
For example: /courses/89/EPIC/2256959/Video Based Training Example (Scheduling Reports).mp4
Select the Restrict access to course files to authenticated users checkbox below Location.
Return to the learning resource in myLearning. Click the On-Line tab. If you are uploading a .pdf to the EPIC content server, set the compatibility model to AICC-HACCP Compliant Resources and the score model to "The resource will score itself as complete".
In the Location field for the pdf resource, use the address following extension:
/courses/89/EPIC/<type resource id here>/<type the title and file extension here>.
For example: /courses/89/EPIC/2256959/Managing Credit and Enrollment.pdf
Select the Restrict access to course files to authenticated users checkbox below Location.

Step 6. Click Save. Then click Test to confirm that the content launches successfully from the EPIC Content Server.
Step 7. Once you are able to confirm the content launches successfully, drop your "test" enrollment from the learning resource.
Step 8. Remember to set the course status to Active on the overview tab, once you have successfully tested.
Update Existing Course Content on EPIC Content Server
Step 2.1. Navigate to the EPIC content server and access the folder associated with the Learning Resource ID for the content that needs to be updated.
Step 2.2 Delete the existing content and replace with the updated content.
Step 2.3. Navigate to the Learning Resource for the content that that was updated on EPIC Content server. Test launch the content to ensure that the content was successfully updated.
Step 2.4. Once you are able to confirm the content launches successfully, drop your "test" enrollment from the learning resource.