The manager’s tab can be accessed by those who have been designated by the HR Information Processing Center as managers.
Please note that the myLearning Design Team does not assign this role and security permission. If there is an issue with your number of direct reports or you do not have the manager tab, please contact the HR Information Processing Center at, those with the manager role and security permissions can gain access to the learning data for their direct reports by clicking the “managers tab” on the myLearning homepage.
Team View
After clicking the managers tab, managers will be able to see their direct reports. The drop down arrow next to the direct report’s name will allow you to either see what’s currently on his/her plan or what is completed in his/her learning history.
To view quick learning data details about a specific direct report, click the flip button for that direct report.
From here use your mouse to roll over the graph. You will be able to see the number of incomplete and past due required courses on the direct report’s plan. There is also a section that indicates the number training courses that were assigned by management and the number of training courses the direct report has self-enrolled in. To return to the previous view, click the flip button again.
Processing Reports
To begin processing reports, use click the link at the bottom of the page.
Report Options
The next page will default to the 2nd step in the reporting process. The default report type that all managers have access to is the Required Course Status Report. This will only report on required learning resources that were assigned to the manager’s team. “Set Report Options” will be selected at the top of your screen. Managers have default access to the following reporting criteria:
- Course – Choose courses by title to process reports.
- Curricula – Choose a mapped curricula by title to process reports.
- Manager Hierarchy – Choose a manager’s name to process reports for the his/her team (this includes the manager learner information as well).
- Participant - Choose the name of a specific direct report from your team.
After selecting the desired criteria, managers have the option of obtaining an email copy of the report or requiring that people can only see the report if they're logged in to myLearning. Once you have clicked the boxes for your desired options, you can click the “Run Report” button.
Please note that if you would like to access more reporting options such as myLearning Standard Reports, you must use your mouse to click and choose “Select a Report”. For additional information about these types of reports, go to the solutions article How do I process myLearning Standard Reports?See Your Results
The report will process. Once finished, the system will automatically navigate to step 3. From here you will be able to click the title of the report and download your results. You may also left-click on the report title for more reporting options.
Enrolling Direct Reports
Managers have the ability to use the Enroll Others function for direct reports. Please see the solutions article How do I Enroll Others from the course display page?