The Scheduling Report feature allows you to run a report one time and then set regularly scheduled time to have the LMS rerun that report for you. Once the scheduled report has been run, the LMS will email the report link to all of the recipients. The recipients can launch the report directly from the email, there is no need to log into the LMS.
Before scheduling a report, you must run the report with the exact criteria, date range, etc. that should appear in the scheduled report. To learn how to run a report, select the solutions article How do I process myLearning Standard Reports?
Once the report has been run, you can access the completed report through the results tab of the Report Catalog.
1. Right-click on the completed report to see the report options. Select the Schedule Report option.
2. The Report Scheduling pop-up screen will appear with the schedule tab displayed.
a. Type a Schedule Title. Ensure that you have titled your report schedule. Skipping this step will lead to difficulty referring to the report schedule at a later date.
b. Select a Start Date if a future date is desired. If no Start Date is selected, the Start Date will default to the current date. If the selected time of day is already in the past for today, then you must select a future date. The LMS will not save a scheduled report if the start date and time is in the past.
c. Enter an End Date if desired. This field can be left blank.
d. Use the Time of Day dropdown to select when the report should be run. Remember that all report run times are in Eastern Standard Time.
e. Use the Frequency radio buttons to choose when you wish your report to run. This section will offer different options for when you click Daily, Weekly or Monthly.
3. Click on the message tab.
a. From Field: Use to determine who the email should appear to come from.
b. Recipient List: Begin typing the name(s) of who should receive the scheduled report. All recipients must have an email address associated with their LMS account. By default the user who is creating the scheduled report will be listed in the Recipient list. Click the x to the right of the name to delete it, if desired. A team of users can also be selected to receive the scheduled report.
c. Message Field: Enter any text that should accompany the report in the Message field.
d. Click Save when you are finished.
1. In the Admin console, go to Reports > Administer Report Schedules.
2. To sort by active or inactive, select Active.
3. To view report details, select the report title and view the details to the right.
4. For more details or to deactivate the report, select Edit.
5. If you would like to deactivate the report, at the pop out window select Active, then select Save.
6. At the next pop out window, select OK.
7. To delete inactive reports, select each inactive report title then select Delete.
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How do I process myLearning Standard Reports?