This is the recording of the March 2022, myLearning System Administrator Forum, hosted by the Learning Technology and Innovation team.
Topics covered and their start times in the recording are:
- Start time: 3:09 myLearning Solutions page reorganization
- Start time: 15:01 Two new articles on Solutions page:
- How can I give credit or revoke enrollment for a resource?
- How can I set up automated/scheduled reports?
- Start time: 22:59 How to process report for Level 1 evaluations
- Start time: 30:54 LinkedIn Learning collection of courses on authoring tools
- Start time: 39:05 JHHS Annual Required Training
- Start time: 52:18 Survey about reports training
The slides presented during this forum are provided in a PDF at the bottom of this article. The links below were shared during the forum.
myLearning Level 1 evaluation and report:
How do I assign a level 1 evaluation and run a level 1 evaluation report?
LinkedIn Learning collection of courses about authoring tools:
Authoring Tools for Instructional Design