myLearning System Administrator Forum March 2022

This is the recording of the March 2022, myLearning System Administrator Forum, hosted by the Learning Technology and Innovation team.

Topics covered and their start times in the recording are:

  1. Start time:  3:09    myLearning Solutions page reorganization
  2. Start time: 15:01   Two new articles on Solutions page:
    1. How can I give credit or revoke enrollment for a resource?
    2. How can I set up automated/scheduled reports?
  3. Start time: 22:59    How to process report for Level 1 evaluations
  4. Start time: 30:54    LinkedIn Learning collection of courses on authoring tools
  5. Start time: 39:05    JHHS Annual Required Training
  6. Start time: 52:18    Survey about reports training


The slides presented during this forum are provided in a PDF at the bottom of this article. The links below were shared during the forum.

myLearning Level 1 evaluation and report:

How do I assign a level 1 evaluation and run a level 1 evaluation report?

LinkedIn Learning collection of courses about authoring tools:

Authoring Tools for Instructional Design

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