JHHS Annual Required Training 2024 FAQs

The FAQs are organized in the following groups. Click on a title below to go directly to the group.

Courses, Assignments, & Completions


Courses, Assignments, & Completions

What courses are included in the JHHS Annual Required Training 2024 bundle?
See the list of courses in the JHHS | Annual Required Training | 2024~ Bundle 
Who is required to complete the JHHS Annual Required Training 2024 bundle?

All JHHS employees will be assigned and required to complete the JHHS Annual Required Training 2024 bundle. Failure to do so will result in corrective action.


  • Medical Providers who report through the Medical Staff Office will receive a separate assignment of required training and, therefore, are not assigned this bundle. 
  • Employees of Johns Hopkins Health Plans (JHHP) are on a different annual review schedule and, therefore, are not assigned this bundle. 
  • PowerDMS users will complete the training outside of myLearning and, therefore, are not assigned this bundle in myLearning. 
How do I request exemption from the JHHS Annual Required Training 2024 bundle?

All JHHS employees will be assigned and required to complete the JHHS Annual Required Training 2024 bundle. See the following Solutions article for steps to request an exemption from the assignment.

How Do I Request Exemption from Required Training?

What is the deadline to complete the JHHS Annual Required Training 2024 bundle?

The JHHS Annual Required Training 2024 bundle is assigned by the Learning Technology and Innovation team to all JHHS employees on April 1, 2024. All employees must complete the entire bundle by June 28, 2024. Failure to do so will result in corrective action. 

How do I access the bundle?
The JHHS Annual Required Training 2024 bundle will be on your learning plan in myLearning. To access the bundle on your learning plan, follow these steps. 
1. Go to my.jh.edu
2. Click Login. Enter your username and password if prompted.
3. On the Education tab, select myLearning.
4. On the myLearning homepage, select My Plan on the Quick Links menu.

5. Select the Auto-Enrollments tab. 
6. Select JHHS | Annual Required Training | 2024
I completed the course. It is not on My Plan, and it is not listed in My History. How do I find it?

Learning Plan: When you check your learning plan by clicking My Plan on the Quick Links menu, be certain to select the Auto-Enrollments tab of your plan. This shows courses that were assigned as required learning. See How do I locate a learning resource assigned to me? for more details.

History: The course is likely in your history as part of a bundle of courses.
1. Start on the myLearning home page.
2. On the Quick Links menu, select My History.
3. Look for the Course Name, Status and Completed Date. You may sort the list by any of these columns.
4. If the course is in a bundle, click the name of the bundle. You will see the status of each course in the bundle.

How do I get a certificate for a course I completed?

1. Start on the myLearning home page.
2. On the Quick Links menu, select My History.
3. Look for the Course Name.


If the course is in a bundle of courses, select the name of the bundle. Then look for the course name.

4. Click the certificate icon at the right of the course title to view, print, or download the certificate.


Some courses are set up without a certificate. If that is the case, no certificate icon displays beside the course title in your history.

See How can I see the list of learning resources I've completed? for more details.

Can resources from the JHHS Annual Required Training 2024 bundle be included in the training my entity assigns to our workforce?

No. Do not include any resources from the JHHS Annual Required Training bundle - courses or attestations - in the training assigned by your entity. The JHM Learning Technology and Innovation team manages all assignments for all resources that are in the JHHS Annual Required Training bundle. This applies at all times throughout the year.

Should we include the JHHS Annual Required Training courses and/or attestations in the required training we assign our new hires?

No. Do not include any resources from the JHHS Annual Required Training bundle - courses or attestations - in the training assigned by your entity. The JHHS Learning Technology and Innovation team manages all assignments for all resources that are in the JHHS Annual Required Training bundle. This applies at all times throughout the year.

Does a newly hired employee have to retake the required training?

Employees who have completed the following courses and attestations assigned between January 1, 2024 and March 31, 2024 are not required to take them again this year. Completions are carried over into the 2024 bundle for those employees. 

    • JH | Electronic Information Security and Data Management Training | 2024
    • JH | Patient Privacy for Workforce Members | 2024
    • JHM | Compliance Basics | 2023
    • JHM | Preparing for an Active Assailant in the Clinical & Non-Clinical Environment | 2023
    • JHHS | What Can You Do to Prevent the Spread of Infectious Diseases? | 2023
    • JHM | Best Practices When Utilizing Language Services | 2023
    • JHHS | Crisis Prevention Management and De-escalation | 2023
    • JH | Fire, Hazard Communication and Construction Safety | 2023
    • JHHS | Our Commitment to Safety of Children Key Points
    • JHHS | Emergency Preparedness
What courses are included in the School of Medicine (SOM) Annual Required Training – 2024 bundle?
The JHU Learning Solutions team assigns and manages the SOM Annual Required Training – 2024 bundle. Direct all questions about the bundle to the Learning Solutions team at Learning@jhu.edu.

The SOM Annual Required Training - 2024 bundle will be assigned as required learning to the School of Medicine workforce members on April 1. The courses and attestations listed below are included in the bundle.

All School of Medicine faculty and staff are required to complete the SOM Annual Required Training – 2024 bundle by June 28, 2024 or within new hire training requirements. If you are a new hire, consult with your supervisor. 


HIPAA eLearning CoursesNotes
JH | Electronic Information Security and Data Management Training | 2024
JH | Patient Privacy for Workforce Members | 2024Contains a test-out option (not for new hires). If you choose to test out and do not pass the test on the first attempt, you must take the entire course and pass the test at the end of the course.
Additional eLearning CoursesNotes
JHM | Compliance Basics | 2024Contains a test-out option (not for new hires). If you choose to test out and do not pass the test on the first attempt, you must take the entire course and pass the test at the end of the course. 
JHM | Preparing for an Active Assailant in the Clinical & Non-Clinical Environment | 2024
JHM | Best Practices When Utilizing Language Services | 2024Contains a test-out option (not for new hires). 
JHHS | What Can You Do to Prevent the Spread of Infectious Diseases? | 2024
JHHS | Crisis Prevention Management and De-escalation | 2024New this year: choose the clinical or non-clinical path in the course
JH | Fire, Hazard Communication and Construction Safety | 2024Biannual training; contains a test-out option (not for new hires)
JHHS | Disability Inclusion and Awareness | 2024New - 2024 Diversity topic offering
JHHS | Emergency Preparedness | 2024



Are there additional support resources available to JHHS myLearning users and system administrators?

The myLearning Solutions page provides up-to-date support resources for all JHHS myLearning users and system administrators.

You may find the following articles especially useful as you and your teams complete the JHHS Annual Required Training 2024:

Whom can I contact for questions regarding the JHHS Annual Required Training bundle and other annual required education?

Each member organization has one or more annual required training support champions who serve as your first line of support. Your local support champion(s) can answer questions and address your concerns about the JHHS Annual Required Training and other annual required education.

See the list of Annual Required Training Support Champions.

I open the course, but it doesn’t run or play.
This situation is typically related to the system and/or the browser you are using. Complete the following steps in the order shown.

1. If you are not using a Johns Hopkins (JH) computer, we strongly recommend using a JH computer. We are able to troubleshoot issues on Johns Hopkins computers only. See the section for using a Johns Hopkins computer.
2. Browser: Try using a different internet browser, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or vice versa.
  • Use of Internet Explorer (IE) is discouraged. Microsoft has ended support for IE; correspondingly, the myLearning system vendor no longer offers support for courses when IE is used. While courses may run on systems using IE, the Learning Technology and Innovation team cannot provide support in the event a course does not function properly when used through IE. For help with your browser, contact your LAN admin or the JH IT Help Desk.
  • Safari is often incompatible with courses. You may experience success by switching from Safari to Chrome or Edge.
3. Pop-up blocker in browser: Verify your browser’s pop-up blocker is disabled. Instructions here.
4. Clear your browser’s history (cache). Instructions here.
5. Log into myLearning, and access the course.
6. If prompted to resume, click Yes and continue through the course.
7. If the original problem persists, take a screen shot where the course stops. Submit a ticket to the Learning Technology and Innovation team, include the exact course name, a description of the problem, and the screen shot showing any errors.


If the issue occurs in the JHM | Best Practices When Utilizing Language Services | 2024 course, please contact the Armstrong Institute Team at AILearn@jhmi.edu.

In a course, certain letters or chunks of the screen do not display in the course.
This situation is typically related to the system and/or the browser you are using. Complete the following steps in the order shown.

1. If you are not using a Johns Hopkins (JH) computer, we strongly recommend using a JH computer. We are able to troubleshoot issues on Johns Hopkins computers only. See the section for using a Johns Hopkins computer.
2. Browser: Try using a different internet browser, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or vice versa.
  • Use of Internet Explorer (IE) is discouraged. Microsoft has ended support for IE; correspondingly, the myLearning system vendor no longer offers support for courses when IE is used. While courses may run on systems using IE, the Learning Technology and Innovation team cannot provide support in the event a course does not function properly when used through IE. For help with your browser, contact your LAN admin or the JH IT Help Desk.
  • Safari is often incompatible with courses. You may experience success by switching from Safari to Chrome or Edge.
3. Pop-up blocker in browser: Verify your browser’s pop-up blocker is disabled. Instructions here.
4. Clear your browser’s history (cache). Instructions here.
5. Log into myLearning, and access the course.
6. If prompted to resume, click Yes and continue through the course.
7. If the original problem persists, take a screen shot where the course stops. Submit a ticket to the Learning Technology and Innovation team, include the exact course name, a description of the problem, and the screen shot showing any errors.


If the issue occurs in the JHM | Best Practices When Utilizing Language Services | 2024 course, please contact the Armstrong Institute Team at AILearn@jhmi.edu.

I get part way through a course, and the course freezes. I can’t move forward.
This situation is typically related to the system and/or the browser you are using. Complete the following steps in the order shown.

1. If you are not using a Johns Hopkins (JH) computer, we strongly recommend using a JH computer. We are able to troubleshoot issues on Johns Hopkins computers only. See the section for using a Johns Hopkins computer.
2. Browser: Try using a different internet browser, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or vice versa.
  • Use of Internet Explorer (IE) is discouraged. Microsoft has ended support for IE; correspondingly, the myLearning system vendor no longer offers support for courses when IE is used. While courses may run on systems using IE, the Learning Technology and Innovation team cannot provide support in the event a course does not function properly when used through IE. For help with your browser, contact your LAN admin or the JH IT Help Desk.
  • Safari is often incompatible with courses. You may experience success by switching from Safari to Chrome or Edge.
3. Pop-up blocker in browser: Verify your browser’s pop-up blocker is disabled. Instructions here.
4. Clear your browser’s history (cache). Instructions here.
5. Log into myLearning, and access the course.
6. If prompted to resume, click Yes and continue through the course.
7. If the original problem persists, take a screen shot where the course stops. Submit a ticket to the Learning Technology and Innovation team, include the exact course name, a description of the problem, and the screen shot showing any errors.


If the issue occurs in the JHM | Best Practices When Utilizing Language Services | 2024 course, please contact the Armstrong Institute Team at AILearn@jhmi.edu.

Do I need to use a Johns Hopkins computer to complete courses in myLearning?
It is highly recommended that you complete myLearning courses on a Johns Hopkins computer. This will ensure any potential IT-related issues can be addressed by your LAN admin or the JH IT Help Desk. Due to the potential variations in system and browser versions and settings found in non-Johns Hopkins computers, we cannot effectively support those computers.

The best solution is to complete the courses using a Johns Hopkins computer.

If you are unable to complete the courses using a Johns Hopkins computer, we offer the following recommendations. Complete them in the order shown here.

1. Try using a different internet browser.
  • Use of Internet Explorer (IE) is discouraged. Microsoft has ended support for IE; correspondingly, the myLearning system vendor no longer offers support for courses when IE is used. While courses may run on systems using IE, the Learning Technology and Innovation team cannot provide support in the event a course does not function properly when used through IE. For help with your browser, contact your LAN admin or the JH IT Help Desk.
  • Safari is often incompatible with courses. You may experience success by switching from Safari to Chrome or Edge.
2. Ensure the browser’s pop-up blocker is turned off/disabled. Instructions here.
3. Clear your browser’s history (cache). Instructions here.
4. After completing steps 1 – 3, close and restart your browser.


Be sure to save any work you are doing in all browser windows before closing.

5. When you re-access the course, you may be prompted to resume. Choose Yes and continue through the course.
How do I disable the pop-up blocker in my computer’s browser?

The steps for disabling the pop-up blocker vary by browser. See How do I disable my pop-up blocker?

How do I clear my browser history (cache)?

The steps for clearing browser history (cache) vary by browser. See How do I clear the cache on my internet browser?

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