Spring Cleaning Initiative 2024

Throughout the months of March through June, we are asking Content Providers, Report Users, System Administrators, and JH Training Coordinators to review the relevancy of any learning resources, reports, or mapping curricula associated with your department.  

This year we will approach the initiative in 3 phases:

The following is an explanation for each phase of the Spring Cleaning Initiative.

Phase #DescriptionDetails

Phase 1 

Learning resource deactivation or retirement
  • Content Providers will be notified directly and provided a report listing learning resources that have not had a new enrollment since 2022.

  • Content Providers will review the distributed report to identify courses that can be deactivated. 

  • Content Providers will work with System Administrators on their team to deactivate or retire courses that are no longer in use.

  • Complete by June 30, 2024. After this date, any course indicated for review on the list which remains “active” and for which no justification is provided, will be changed to “inactive.”

Phase 2

Scheduled report deactivation
  • Report Users and System Administrators will review their scheduled reports.

Phase 3

Mapping Curricula updates or deactivation
  • System Administrators and JH Training Coordinators will review their mapping curricula.

See below for helpful mapping curricula instructions.

Mapping Curricula Details


To deactivate a mapping curricula, navigate to the “overview” tab of the “maintain mapping curricula” menu. Uncheck the “Active” box.


To update the owner field, navigate to the “overview” tab of the “maintain mapping curricula” menu. In the “Owner” field, begin typing the owner’s name and select the correct name from the drop down list.

Remove Resources

To remove inactive or retired resources from a mapping curricula, navigate to the “curricula” tab of the “maintain mapping curricula” menu. From the “Add Resources” menu, right click on the inactive/retired resource and select “Delete Resource.”  



Refer back to this article periodically for updated information.

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