How do I remove a Learning Resource from My Plan?

Learning resources are listed on either the Auto Enrollments or Self-Enrollments section of the My Plan page. There are several considerations if you want to remove a course from the Self-Enrollments section of the My Plan page. First, navigate to the My Plan page.

Auto Enrollments

Learning resources listed on the auto enrollments section of the My Plan page have been assigned to you as required. The content provider is listed next to the title of each learning resource on your plan.  The content provider can speak to the purpose of the learning requirement.  



If you think a learning resource was assigned to you in error, select the myLearning Course Provider Contacts List. Retrieve the contact information for the appropriate content provider and request the course removal with your personal reasoning.


1. Navigate to the Self Enrollments section of your My Plan page.

2. Identity the status of your enrollment for the learning resource.

NOT STARTED - If you have enrolled in but "Not Started" a learning resource, it can be “self-removed” by clicking the red X.

INCOMPLETE - Learning resources that have been assigned to you and in "Incomplete" status cannot be removed without permission from the person that created the assignment. If you think a learning resource was assigned to you in error, select the myLearning Course Provider Contacts List. Retrieve the contact information for the appropriate content provider and request the course removal with your personal reasoning.

Related Topics

What is a learning resource?

How do I locate a learning resource assigned to me?

How can I see the list of learning resources I've completed?

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