How do I access myLearning with an Azure B2B account?

Authenticate Your Email Address

1. You should have received an authentication email from Microsoft titled Microsoft Invitation: Johns Hopkins invited you to access applications within their organization.


2. Make sure you click Accept Invitation in the email and follow the steps to authenticate the email.


3. Next, you will be taken to a login page. Enter your authenticated email address.

Access Assigned Training

4. After authentication, you will be re-directed to the home page of the myLearning system.

5. Click on My Plan


6. Make sure that the Auto-Enrollments Tab is selected. 

7. You will see a link to the assigned training. To begin the training, click on the title of the training. 


To navigate back to myLearning and your assigned modules use this link:

Related Topics

How do I locate a learning resource assigned to me? 

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