The collaborator role will allow course providers to have limited access to tickets within Freshdesk to simplify supporting learners. Instead of sending an email in Outlook, agents and collaborators will be able to communicate back and forth in the notes of the ticket privately. There are three main benefits of using the collaborator role: (1) communication be easier and efficient, (2) tickets will get resolved faster and more accurately, and (3) everything will be documented for recordkeeping purposes.
Collaborator – Providers of myLearning training.
Freshdesk – Ticketing system for issues with myLearning.
Agents – Any member of the Learning Technology and Innovation team.
Click on a link to go directly to that section:
Section 1 - Logging into Freshdesk
Section 3 - Adding a Note to a Ticket
Section 4 - Forwarding a Ticket
Section 5 - Returning to a Ticket
Section 1 – Logging into Freshdesk
To login to Freshdesk for the first time, do the following:
1. Find the email entitled You have been invited as a collaborator to My Learning Helpdesk. This email mentions that collaborators have access to reports, however, this is an error.
2. Click on the URL provided in the email.
3. Enter the information in the First name, Last name, Enter password, and Confirm password fields. Please use the same password as your John’s Hopkins account.
4. Choose Activate your account.
5. Bookmark the Freshdesk home page.
Section 2 – Viewing a Ticket
1. Collaborators will be notified that they have a ticket through email. The title of the email will always start with Note Added, followed by the ticket number and ticket’s title. For example, Note Added – [#30450] AMP Training for Nurses not completing after finishing of module.
2. Open the email and click on the Ticket URL.
3. The screen is divided into three parts, (1) Ticket’s Title and Description, (2) Ticket Properties, and (3) Contact Details.
Please see below for the important items in each section.
(1) Ticket’s Title and Description
a. Ticket number.
b. Ticket’s title and description.
c. Browser and Windows version that the learner used to send the ticket.
d. Note that was sent to you.
(2) Ticket Properties
a. Ticket status.
b. Date and time that the ticket was submitted.
c. User’s full name and JHED ID.
d. Location or Personnel Area.
e. Type of issue and title of the course that is causing a problem.
f. Agent who is assigned the ticket.
(3) Contact Details
a. JHED ID and email of the person who opened the ticket.
b. Timeline of ticket that this learner has submitted and any other tickets the learner has opened.
Section 3 – Adding a Note to a Ticket
Adding a note allows a collaborator to message another agent or collaborator, and the learner will not see it. The agent or collaborator will see the message in the note, the ticket’s title and description, ticket properties, and contact details.
1. Click on the grey Add note button to open a new note.
2. Type a response to the note. If necessary, @ mention other agents or collaborators to add them to the note.
3. Select the blue Add note button to send the note.
Section 4 – Forwarding a Ticket
Forwarding a note allows a collaborator to send a ticket to someone who is not an agent or collaborator, and the learner will not see it. The recipient of the forward will only be able to see the message and the description of the ticket.
1. Click on the grey Forward button to open an email in the ticket.
2. Type the email address and message. The @ mention function will not work in a forwarded email.
3. Select the blue Forward button to send.
Section 5 – Returning to a Ticket
If a collaborator has logged out of Freshdesk, no longer has the email with the ticket’s URL, and didn’t bookmark the Freshdesk URL, return to a ticket by doing the following:
1. myLearning > HELP > JHM myLearning Support
2. Click on Login.
3. Enter your email and password. Click on Login.
4. Enter your email and password again. Select Sign in.
5. Click on the ticket icon and choose the ticket’s title.
Section 6 – Other Features
1. Watching feature: If someone else is looking at the ticket, the eye icon will activate.
a. The eye will turn red and indicate the number of people watching the ticket.
b. Hover over the eye icon to see the name of who’s viewing the ticket.
2. Print: Prints the entire ticket, including the ticket’s title, description, and properties.
a. Select the three dots.
b. Click on Print.