How do I Inactivate or Retire a resource?

You can inactivate or retire a resource by modifying the status of the resource.

Table of Contents

Modify the Resource Status

Navigate to the resource via the maintain learning resources menu.  On the overview tab of the resource, select "Inactive" or "Retired" from the Resource Status menu.

Save your work.


Only a System Administrator that owns or is part of the team that owns the learning resource can configure these resource status options. Retired and Inactive resource status options only impact current enrollments.  Completed enrollments will remain on a learner's My History Page regardless of resource status.

What is the difference between Inactive and Retired?

Resource Location

When set to Inactive


When set to Retired


Course Catalog



Not visible


Not visible


Learning resource is part of a Training Bundle in Incomplete enrollment Status on the learner’s plan



Learner can complete.


Learner cannot complete.     


The Training Bundle will remain on plan as incomplete.


Learning resource is part of a Training Bundle in Not Started enrollment Status on the learner’s plan



Resource will disappear from learner’s plan.



Resource will disappear from learner’s plan.



Learning resource is a Required Assignment is in Incomplete enrollment status on the learner’s plan


Learner can complete.


Resource will move from Auto-Enrollments to Self-Enrollments.  




Learner cannot complete.


Resource will move from Auto-Enrollments to Self-Enrollments.  


Learner cannot remove.


Learning resource is a Required Assignment that is in Not Started enrollment status on the learner’s plan


Resource will move to Self-Enrollment section.


Learner can remove.


Resource will move to Self-Enrollment section.


Learner can remove.



Status changes to a resource will impact mapping curricula that utilize that resource.  

You can locate impacted mapping curricula by navigating to the audience tab of a resource, scrolling to the bottom of the page, and reviewing “Curricula Assigned to this Course.”

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